Dr. Davidovicz Lecture- April 30, 2018

Helene Peyser Lecture- February 26, 2018

Dr. Pelcovitz Lecture- November 16, 2017
On Nov. 16, 2017, community members attended the launch event of Meorot's Community Lecture Series. Board Member Dr. David Pelcovitz inspired a packed room with success stories about different learners he had encounterd from childhood or his medical profession. He encouraged parents to find and nurture their child's signature trait. The event included an interactive Q&A session where he recommended parents to read the following books:
1. The Optimistic Child: A Proven Program to Safeguard Children Against Depression and Build Lifelong Resilience by Martin Seligman
2. The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain by James Fallon
3. The Strength Switch: How the New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Can Help Your Child and Your Teen Flourish by Lea Waters
A replay of the event can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/MerorotGN/videos/159588244646317/

Meorot Information Session- July 13, 2017
On July 13, 2017, propspective families joined Rabbi Hercman and Dr. Gutkind for an informative session about the Meorot program. A welcome packet with introductory letter and application form were made available.

Meorot Inaugural Event - June 12, 2017
On June 12, 2017, an estimated one hundred and fifty members of the Great Neck community gathered to participate at the Meorot Inaugural event. The event was kicked off by Meorot board member, Lilia Shemesh who described that from her family’s experience there was an identified unmet need for Great Neck students that require special education in a Yeshiva setting. A powerful video presentation, with contributions from various religious and community leaders displayed a strong display of achdut supporting the Meorot program. Meorot board member Ronnie Shemesh then presented the efforts of the board in initiating the program. He first described the four pillars needed to create the school: 1) Shul Rabbis, 2) Heads of School, 3) Host school NSHA and 4) dedicated community members coming together to build a solid foundation. He then described the mission of Meorot, to focus on Limudei Kodesh in an afternoon school format serving children with speech & language or leaning difficulties. He concluded by announcing the leadership team consisting of Rabbi Dr. Bradley Hercman as Program Director and Dr. Rebeka Gutkind as Program Advisor. Rabbi Hercman then spoke about his excitement of returning to Great Neck to build a model solution for an underserved segment of our children. The event’s keynote guest speaker, Rabbi Menachem Penner, dean of REITS at Yeshiva University, concluded the night by sharing a moving and inspirational story about how each child needs to be taught to his or her level and how special education made a profound impact on his family.